Samsung launched its first TV campaign for its recently-launched Galaxy S5 smartphone on Friday, emphasizing a new ultra HD camera and pitting it against the iPhone 5S.
The 60-second ad plays more like a product explainer than a typical commercial, but aims to show consumers how the device could be used to make "everyday moments better."
The spot spends the most time detailing its new camera features, which lets you enhance the picture quality before you snap a photo and select the focus after you take one. It has twice the resolution of the iPhone and plays up its fitness components, such as how it works with its S Health fitness tracking app and the Samsung Gear Fit wristband tracker, as well as how a heart-rate sensor is built into the smartphone.
But perhaps the star of the commercial is the phone's water resistance features. You'll gasp when water spills onto the device at a dinner and a kid casually dunks it under the sink like it's no big deal. The smartphone survives unscathed in water The smartphone survives unscathed in water, which has been heralded as the best new feature on the device.
Despite mediocre reviews, the Samsung Galaxy S5 is already showing a much stronger start than its predecessor. In fact, launch day sales of the Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone were reportedly double those of the Galaxy S4's launch day numbers from 2013 in some markets, and it's also sold out in various global markets.
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