Thursday, 4 October 2012

Mahindra Satyam to start IT unit in Mihan

Mahindra Satyam, formerly Satyam Computer Services headed by B Ramalinga Raju, has decided to start its IT development centre in Mihan. Shivanand Raja, senior vice president of the company, told the media that as a part of its expansion programme, the company would set up a 1,000 seat capacity centre with an initial investment of around Rs 80 crore. The phase-I of the campus would be operational within 15 to 18 months.
Raja further said that the Nagpur operations would be expanded in a phased manner as per the master plan adding that construction of the centre would begin soon.
"Expansion in to tier-II cities is a step to achieve our Mission 2015. I am confident that apart from creating employment opportunities in these cities, we will be able to foster innovation as a part of our growth agenda," the Mahindra Satyam official explained.
UPS Madan, vice-chairman and managing director of MADC, said that Mahindra Satyam's decision to start its centre in Mihan is a landmark development for the SEZ. "With quality infrastructure, smart lifestyle options and an investor friendly business environment, I am certain that more and more companies will be attracted towards Mihan."

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