Friday, 5 October 2012

Government prefers consensus-based model to deal with Internet: Kapil Sibal

The government will prefer a consensus-based model to deal with issues related to Internet, Telecom and IT minister Kapil Sibal said today.

The minister said that people must evolve a model to build consensus among stakeholders instead of adopting governance model.

"We are moving towards concept of participative democracy where we listen to others, inform ourselves of their concerns, empower ourselves through those concerns and then through that participation arrive at a consensus through which each stakeholder obeys the rule of the game," Sibal said.

The Minister said that there is lot of diversity in the world and stakeholder will have to evolve a model that suits need of everyone connected with cyberspace.

"We do not know at this point of time where do we need to go but the position of government of India is very clear that as far as we are concern we are on the side of freedom of expression," Sibal said.

The government had recently banned around 310 webpages on which morphed images and videos were uploaded to incite communal tensions in the country.

Industry representative welcomed Sibal's opinion on consensus-based model to deal with issued related to Internet.

"Ficci welcome the government approach to manage Internet governance related issues based on wide consultation with stakeholders," FICCI Chairman for Communications and Digital Economy Committee Virat Bhatia said.

"Accountability is must for empowered and to be empowered. We take it as first step in process of learning the manner in which consensus should be build," Internet body ICANN's Naresh Ajwani said.

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