Samsung has launched its second-generation Series 9 notebook in India. The company claims that the device, which has a 13-inch screen, boasts the world's thinnest and most compact notebook chassis.
The laptop features Samsung's MaxScreen technology, which minimizes the bezel size while maximizing the screen size by an extra inch. It weighs just 1.16kg — 28% smaller than its predecessor. The laptop is powered by a third-generation (Ivy Bridge) Intel Core i7 processor. It has 256GB solid state drive, 4GB of DDR3 RAM, Intel HD 4000 integrated graphics chip and a 1.3-megapixel web camera. The laptop is priced at Rs 1,02,990.
"The Series 9 notebook embodies the originality and heritage of its predecessor while eliminating unnecessary factors. The refined aerodynamic design of the new Series 9 represents the best of Samsung's design with top performance and functionality," said Ranjit Yadav, country head for Samsung's mobile and IT division.
Samsung claimed that Series 9 is result of 9,000 hours of design work and 24,000 hours of R&D by the company's engineers.
Samsung also launched Notebook Series 5 550P and Series 3 350 on Friday. The model with 15-inches screen in the series 550P weighs just 2.5 kg and is priced at Rs 62,990. It comes with Intel's 3rd generation quad core, a dedicated graphics card from Nvidia, Blu-Ray drive and up to 2TB hard disk. The Series 3 350 notebook is priced at Rs 48,490.
"With the help of our new laptops and our retail expansion, we are confident of doubling our laptop business in India this year," said Yadav.
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